
Alli Earnest
Oct 12, 2020
(Putting) Pen to Paper: Worldbuilding
Step Two in my process of writing a novel from Idea Conception to Finished Product

Alli Earnest
Jul 13, 2020
Revisions without Overwhelm
Go to revise your beautiful, finished novel only to find that it And you'll have to spend another three years fixing the...

Alli Earnest
May 18, 2020
Writing Update - 18 May 2020
Check out my projects + where I am in the writing process.

Alli Earnest
May 1, 2020
Story a Day May: Day One
I'm joining in for StoryADayMay! I'm posting my inspiration each day - a song and a pic to go along with it. Join me in the challenge!

Alli Earnest
Apr 17, 2020
Four Lessons from Drafting Three Novels
If you'd asked me ten years ago whether I’d finish a novel, I’d say that it was a goal I had, but I don’t think I have the motivation...

Alli Earnest
Mar 4, 2020
Beta Readers Wanted!
Hello! Thank you for your interest in beta reading for my Adult Science Fantasy novel, The Promise of Shattered Stars. If you’re...